Board of Director
Diana Sucahyo
Range Of Business
Export Production
Established Date
1 December 2019
Federico has a long history. Starting from our family tradition at 1939, We make beverage concoctions like coffee, healthy tea, ginger drinks and herbs. For the consumption of our extended family, friends, quests, and business associates. Because most of our family are traders, there are many people come every day.
From the beginning of planting natural plants to natural harvest. We mix our own recipes traditional Indonesian to maintain the quality. Make Delicious and Healthy drinks to maintain our stamina every day.
+62 895700230204

Federico Coffee Arabica Gayo Aceh Peaberry

Federico Coffee Arabica Gayo Aceh Natural

Federico Coffee Arabica Gayo Aceh Wine

Federico Coffee Arabica Gayo Aceh Honey

Federico Coffee Arabica Toraja

Federico Coffee Robusta Temanggung

Federico Rosella Flower Tea

Federico Ginger Drink